What are the study room rules?

  • Book a study room
  • Study room rules and policies
  • Study room hours


1) Study rooms are only available during staffed library hours  
(see hours here).   
2) Study rooms MUST be reserved.   
This can be done using the QR codes posted on each door, or through our calendaring system here.  You can reserve a study room up to two weeks in advance. This link will also allow you to reserve additional rooms outside of the library. 
3) Occupancy guidance MUST be followed. 
Occupancy levels for study rooms are posted on each room and must be adhered to.  In most cases, only 2 people are allowed per room at the maximum.   
4) Masks must still be worn and social distancing guidelines followed (6 feet apart).
  If more than one person is in a study room, please continue to follow mask and social distancing guidelines.
5) Please do not move furniture/chairs/computers. 
 Furniture in the rooms, including computers, have been placed for a specific purpose. 
6) Rooms can be reserved for up to two and a half hours. 
There is an automatic half hour in between each reservation to allow for airing out.   
7) Study room keys are no longer being checked out.  
Please remember this if you need to leave the study room during your reservation, as the room cannot be locked and we wouldn't want to see your belongings walk off with someone else.   
8) When leaving a study room, please wipe down all touched surfaces and leave the door open.  
There are sanitization stations available on every floor of the library.   
9) This year, no food is allowed in the study rooms. 
We know this is different than past semesters, but we know you all understand the impact that compliance with these rules can have.  Please contact a librarian if you have any questions, we are available via email (lawreference@stthomas.edu), chat, zoom, or appointment
  • Last Updated Nov 24, 2020
  • Views 742
  • Answered By Niki Catlin

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